Happy Folklore Day! (Plus Fellowship Updates)

 We are happy to announce today is National Folklore Day! Celebrate by learning about mythologies and folklores from around the world. We recommend by starting off with this article by Stars Insider: A journey into local legends around the world

We also have very good news updates pertaining to the future of our fellowship: 

Our praeminister is finally feeling better after her surgery recovery and has been able to get back into fellowship planning as of yesterday with an unrelenting work ethic. As such, in these last two days so much progress has been made, including the fact five of our Verity Circulars are now completed with only four left to go, as are the associated slideshows for each Verity Circular, the slides of which will eventually be broken down into a multi-part video series to be displayed on our new YouTube channel we just got up and running as of last night. Our fellowship's intro video is also well on its way to be released with the slides having finalized as of tonight, with additional video scripts coming into focus along with our fellowship's rites and holidays. 

Despite previous delays, we are now getting back on track to our original schedule, and in some aspects we're actually ahead of where we planned to be. This is very good news and we're so excited and feel very blessed 🌱💜🙏

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