Interconnectionism is largely about community. We want to positively impact other lives through good deeds. So how do we do this? Between volunteerism, open barbecues in the park (serving people who can't afford to eat), and random acts of kindness, accumulating funds to get us started in this is a huge part in getting us involved. We have listed here all the items we’re currently trying to raise money for, and what we have raised so far. Please note this page will change somewhat frequently, so please check back often!

Remember: Donations are welcome but certainly not obligatory. Moreover, we have created this page because we believe all donations should be given and received with 100% transparency, meaning you can see where your money is going, or you can apply donations directly to one of our causes you want to support and know it's going exactly where you want it to go.


1. Sanctuary Location This is our primary goal considering as of right now we don't have a place we can call our own. But we're hoping to correct this by acquiring a set location for formal congregation hours known to Interconnectionists as a sanctuary (a.k.a. a church). This is where indoor rituals and other occurrences will take place such as our weekend services, baptisms, weddings, and where we will hold our classes teaching children and adults life skills that aren't taught in typical classrooms. We also want our sanctuary to be big enough so we can give pet-friendly temporary shelter to those who need it. We'll also need an indoor kitchen space so we can cook and accumulate a food pantry to allow those in our community--people and animals alike--who are starving, to eat for free. After all, no one should go hungry! Animals included. Other things we want to gain from our Sanctuary Location is a place to carry out our "Garden Project" and create a local animal shelter (see Donation Goals 2 & 3)

       Money raised: $10.00

2. The Garden Project: We're hoping to acquire enough land to form a community garden. Ideally this land will be on the same property as our Sanctuary Location. However, even if the land is on the same space as our Sanctuary, we still need enough supplies to ascertain through our garden project we are giving back to nature as a community such as planting trees and other plants that will encourage bee and bug populations to increase, while also planting other forms of life that will encourage animals to feast from, such as apple trees for deer to feast from. We may also need to create spaces for us to personally enjoy our own labors safe from hungry wildlife 

       Money raised: $5.00

3. Animal shelter: Creating a space within our Sanctuary to provide a space for pets without homes to reside in where they can enjoy moderate indoor temperatures and know they are being kept safe, clean, healthy, and well fed
       Money raised: $5.00

4. Item Collections: There is a wide population of people without roofs over their heads. We work to not only learn the stories of people on the streets, but collect what we can for them too. Clothing is a big one here, as are shoes and food. Non-perishable items are always short supply at food pantries and homeless shelters. Other items we want to gather include: tarps, blankets, coats, books, kitchen items like cups and utensils, etc. Also consider donating office supplies, books that teach another language, etc. 

       Items gathered: 2 quilts, 3 pillows  

>>> Have your own fundraising idea? email to see it listed here! <<<

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