Congregation Hour

Congregation Hour

In the home of our congregation, our sanctuary, we are in a circle of safety casted to protect us. Gossiping in and outside is considered a break in that safety, and a break in The Code in its entirety. 

It is okay not to participate during Congregation Hour and merely watch so long as you not interfere or intervene with anyone else’s experience. 

The Code—and therefore the presiding/leading minister—observes The Universe almost as if it is a deity. It is forbidden from referring to other deities except in the form of inclusion and exclusion (i.e. “We call upon The Universe to guide us, and any deities who may or may not be in existence”). 

You are more than welcome to disagree with something that is said either during congregation hour, or from one of your fellowship members. In that same line, should you wish to change any wording around thereby creating a different image in your mind than the one that has been set by the Sanctuary, this is also entirely welcome. But please refrain from pushing these ideas onto others, or calling out these ideas during congregation hours. 

Mirth and reverence are equally important. 

Always care for yourself. Should you need to leave, do so—albeit quietly if possible. Though keep in mind we have “gate keepers”, people on either side of our doors to open and close the circle within our very space. 

As per our Code, be respectful of the personal boundaries of others. Should someone not want a hug or to shake your hand, it may not be personal. If you so wish to clarify, remember communication clarity is of upmost importance in the fellowship.

At every congregation hour, in in-person sanctuaries there are two door managers, a.k.a. Gate Keepers; one inside the main gathering hall where the Congregation Hour formally takes place, and one outside in the lobby. Should anyone need to leave the gathering hall, they will do so quietly blessed with a mere “In love and trust”. Upon return, including for those who are coming in late, all will be stopped at the door before [re-]entering for a very quick cleansing/purifying “ceremony” which will involve being blessed with designated water followed by “for a willing heart and open mind”.

The Generic/Typical Schedule
  1. Casting of the “Circle of Protection”: done upon the start of the “congregation hour” (the beginning of church, as one might say). This is done by the presiding minister via an athame, creating a semi-permeable membrane that creates a “world within a world” so to speak. In other words, a symbolic safe place where the congregation has gathered 
  2. Calling the Elements and The Universe: Typically deities are called, but as The Universe is our deity, this is who we call upon. This practice calls upon certain energies for assistance with the congregation hour that will take place. These energies are the elements of Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and The Universe that oversees all that resides within it. Invocations are done by the presiding minister saying “Hail and Welcome”, asking the congregation to do the same 
  3. Calling of the Ancestors and Descendants: a “Reclaiming” practice which honors the ancestors and descendants of not only people, but animals, and of the land 
  4. A brief Overview of “Congregation Hour” that’s to come, also known as “the primary intent” – the presiding minister will briefly explain what the purpose of their gathering is, typically may follow the same lines of “We are here to honor The Universe and all that resides within” 
  5. The “Congregation Hour” proper, also known as the “church service” – could include singing, meditation/introspection/prayer, etc. 
  6. “Quercus et Bullarum”: designated food and drink with the blessing “May you always thrive” – are passed around. This process is done in silence. The purpose is to do mindful eating and drinking during the actual mediation portion of the hour, taking note in the symbolic nature of eating what is essentially an acorn, and hydrating one’s self with clean liquid, the bubbles of which symbolize happiness, and are seen as uplifting and cleansing one’s spirit.
  7. The final part of “Congregation Hour” is usually dedicated to one more song, reading, speech, etc. 
  8. Bidding the elements and The Universe farewell: All the elements and The Universe that were called at the beginning of the “congregation hour” are thanked and released with love, with the leading minister saying “Hail and Farewell” after each energy is released, the congregation follows the same sentiment 
  9. Closing of the circle: The symbolic barrier is deemed open and all may leave (or gather) as they please 
©️2018, The Interconnection Fellowship

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