Who We Are


Our mission of The Interconnection Fellowship is to worship interconnection and The Universe, recognizing everything The Universe is and everything it gives to us. We stand with the promise to return its gifts to us (life, sustenance, everything) through this recognition and through our actions, actions which honor interconnection.

We believe in the idea of Interconnection. This means the foundation of our fellowship rests on the realization The Universe exists, and as a result everything—all planets, stars, people, life (both human and not-human)—are thereby connected to each other, and must be treated with ultimate respect.

We vow to worship interconnection and The Universe, recognizing everything it is and everything it gives to us. We stand with the promise to return its gifts to us (life, sustenance, everything) through this recognition and through our actions, actions which honor interconnection. In a way, The Universe is our deity and interconnection is its child—both are equally sacred, entwined so completely as one cannot exist without the other.

However, for as sacred as interconnection is, we also focus an extreme importance on the individual thought, action, and morals, for it is not for anyone to say how one should honor this interconnection or The Universe. While we stand by a code, a code rooted firmly within our fellowship having given birth to the home of our congregation in its entirety, following The Code should be viewed merely as a guiding light for the individual people of our fellowship. All individuals are gifted with the choice to follow it or not, and are thus allowed to follow The Code as they see fit, so long as it a) resides firmly within their own morals, and b) honors interconnection and The Universe. In that same note, there is an emphasis of importance placed on following The Code almost as if it is a demand, but it should be noted this is entirely for the home of our congregation, our sanctuary, our Priestess, not a demand upon its individual people as each and every individual is allowed to honor The Code either entirely, in parts, or perhaps even not at all.

If you are interested in learning more our website can answer hopefully all questions you have, or you can ask the praeminister by emailing The Interconnection Fellowship.

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©️2018, The Interconnection Fellowship

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