Adoption and Chosen Family Ceremony

The Familia Delecti Ceremony

(said fuh-MEAL-ee-uh | dell-EK-tea)

The following ceremony is more typically used in the Familia Delecti ceremony (which roughly translates to Latin as "chosen family" though the concrete translation is "selected household"). However, adopted families can also use this.

The difference between adoption and the Familia Delecti is that adoption is a legal process whereas the Familia Delecti is a symbolic declaration made to non-family members that shows you will treat each other as you would your own flesh and blood, that you see each other as being in each other's families. By going through a Familia Delecti, you also recognize that anybody close to you who is in your family will be symbolically united through the Familia Delecti ceremony. Not unlike how a marriage unites two people and their families. This is done so that people won't have to go through multiple Familia Delecti ceremonies, unless they so wish. 

The Ceremony:

The family being chosen and/or adopted to each other will be gathered in a visible circle made of salt and eggshell powder, where all members will be symbolically bound to each other through a verbal recitation:

I take you in as my family,
now bound to each other as if through blood.
My loyalty to you knows no ends,
protecting you my job.
On your side I will always be
this is my promise-
etched forever in time.

The prae/minister will give to them a clock to mount on their wall (or more than one clock if the united are not residents of the same location) with the above vow engraved on the clock's face.

©️2020, The Interconnection Fellowship 

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