Ascensionem Ceremonia

The Ascensionem Ceremonia is not always a one-stop ritual considering this ceremony is one that continues on so long as one wishes to ascend, until they can ascend no longer through the chain of higher leadership. Below is the order of ascension or advancement, as others call it, and how to get to the next stage within the chain; the actual ceremony itself will be listed at the end of this chain, a.k.a. "the chain of ascension", "the chain of advancement", or merely "the chain". The nickname "ascensionem" is reserved ONLY for the final ceremony itself.

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The Ascensionem Ceremonia: after an entire set of courses is completed, whether this is for the "seniorem doctrina" or the "doctori disciplinae progressus", a "certificate of completion" will be given, issued to the deemed graduated student written and issued by the presiding praeminister. Then, either the praeminister or the local minister will do one of the following actions:

For majors, a long strand of purple chalcedony beads—the stone of our fellowship—will be draped around their necks like a stole.

For ministers a long purple fabric stole will be draped around their necks featuring the word “minister” embroidered on one side and the mark of the tree embroidered into the other side. The ends are adorned in beaded fringe containing purple chalcedony. The purple fabric stole of the monstrators is also long but has no fringe, and while the mark of the tree is embroidered  in the center on one side on the other it will read “monstrator”.

Praemonstrators and the praeminister are cloaked in an actual robe known as a cassock. Just like with the stoles, one sleeve of the cassock for praemonstrators will read “praemonstrator” on one side and the other will have the mark of the tree, also in gold. The praeminister’s cassock will have the word “praeminister” on one side while the other will bear the mark of the tree. If the praeminister runs a local sanctuary (also known as a chapter) they are then a local minister of that sanctuary, and will wear the minister’s sash over their cassock when they are leading a congregation hour [1].

The other difference within the ascensionem is that while local ministers often are the ones who swear in adherents, majors and monstrators, the praeminister must be the one who swears in new ministers, praemonstrators, and acting praeministers. Upon the praeminister's resignation, the praeminister's own self will be the one to swear in the new praeminister. Should the praeminister die before the new praeminister is sworn in, the next praeminister will have to be sworn in by an acting praeminister.

[1] Wearing the cassock while giving sermons (in the case of a praeminister acting as a local minister) or teaching (in the case of a praemonstrator acting as a local monstrator) is not mandatory. In fact, all local ministers and monstrators in addition to the praeminister and praemonstrators have the freedom to wear whatever they would like while teaching or while leading the congregation hour, so long as they are wearing something purple to represent the interconnection of The Universe. The only time the cassocks are mandated is when addressing the entire fellowship (i.e. filming a conference)

©️2019, The Interconnection Fellowship

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