Amalgamation Ceremony


this is an optional ceremony where one pledges themselves to The Covenant in its entirety, meaning they will follow the Nine Virtues and the Seventeen Principles completely, and pledging their morals will align with these sacred vows. Upon the amalgamation, one may also choose a different name that the members of the sanctuary will refer to them by.


  1. The day before, the one being amalgamated will be asked to write their intentions on a scroll in private, meditating and reflecting on why they wish to undergo this ceremony
  2. The day of: This part is done by a leading minister also known in this case as the presiding minister, that is the one leading the amalgamation, along with any accompanied “appointed-one/s”. A sacred bath known as a Castalia (sometimes this is a small deep movable pool) is located in a sacred circle atop a bed of moss, and filled. Inside the circle:
    • An alter will be adorned in front of the Castalia containing: 
      • White lit candles
      • Painted white acorns
      • Painted white oak leaves
      • Any consecrated items the one being amalgamated wishes to have there
  3. As the Castalia fills with warm water, the presiding minister will cleanse and bless it. This blessing is completed by the minister who invokes the Universe and everything that is connected to it (stars, moon, sun, nature – the elements, animals, minerals, etc.) asking any and all potential deities whom may or may not exist, to aid in this blessing
    • During this blessing, a sacred “seasoning” encased in a very large semi-permeable bag is dipped into the water to soak, containing any or all of the following items: 
      • sea salt (mineral)
      • dried flowers: daisies (innocence, loyalty, purity, faith, a positive personal dissembling),  hyssop (cleansing), lavender (devotion), violets (loyalty), white water lilies (innocence, celebration, hope, peace, purity, rebirth, and loyalty), and jasmine (purity, unconditional love, dissolving emotional barriers)
      • consecrated Moonstone[1], white Mookaite[2], and Clear Quartz[3] (stones)
  4. The amalgamation itself: The one being amalgamated will be dressed all in white (symbolizing innocence, wistfulness, virtue, promise, loyalty, devotion, knowledge, light, positive new beginnings, rebirth, balance), then fitted in a white cape by either Appointed Ones and/or by the local leading minister. They will then be given a bouquet to carry made of baby’s breath, receive a boutonniere of baby’s breath, be given a 'crown', and/or a corsage. They will walk down an aisle made of white lights, white stones, and white flower petals. They will stand at the altar where they will place the cloak along with the bouquet, halo, boutonniere, or corsage they had been given. They will also place upon the altar their “scroll of intentions” on which they had written the day before. They will then be asked to recite/read The Covenant in its Entirety. The minister or a chosen major will then lead them/aid them into the Castalia and dunk them, being aided and overseen by another leading members of the sanctuary to ensure the one being amalgamated is fully submerged, helping them up and out of the Castalia thereafter. 
  5. The amalgamated one will will then retreat from the Castalia to be welcomed as an amalgamated adherent, and if they have a name they wish to be referred to instead of their birth name, the leading minister will then welcome the amalgamated one again by their new name, through saying something along the lines of, “I hereby grant you _(insert chosen name here)_, adherent of the _(insert sanctuary name here_) of the Interconnection Fellowship”. 
  6. The leading minister will then release the circle and the amalgamated one will exit through a side door to redress into their normal clothes after which they will then “rejoin society”, wearing the cloak to remind themselves of their journey 
[1] Moonstone is a a crystal that helps you to re-structure your life at all levels. Moonstone, as the same name suggests, re-energizes well in moonlight and will be at its most powerful once cleansed, re-energized and programmed. Moonstone calms the emotions and removes all negativity from all chakras. This is important if you want your desires to come to fruition as doubt can often creep in when setting intentions and consequently slow the whole process down. To call forth the New we have to get rid of the Old; this means that we need to get rid of old patterns of behavior. We sometimes repeat the same thing to try and achieve what we want and get the same result

[2] Mookaite is full of Mother Earth Energy which stimulates the immune system and helps the body to heal. As it is important to be physically well this will help mentally and physically. Mookaite shields us from negativity and worry from past failures which can distract us from our goals. Mookaite represents new beginnings, new journeys and new creations.

[3] Clear Quartz will balance all the chakras and brings clarity, balance and harmony, two important ingredients when we want to manifest our decisions. It will align the emotional mental, physical and spiritual aspects of a person. Will also amplify the healing effects of all the other stones mentioned. It also aids in obtaining a clear mind; it clears away the clutter and obstacles in one’s life. They purify thoughts and actions. White crystals bring forth freedom, hope, cohesiveness, unity and remove inhibitions.

©️2020, The Interconnection Fellowship 

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