Funeral and Burial Rites

The most common practice for Interconnectionists upon their death is to be cremated for by doing so we believe we are turning ourselves back into "star dust" to be spread "everywhere", allowing us to return from which we came: the universe. But some of our ashes are kept inside "holding jars", clay vessels to be work as necklaces, typically reserved for immediate family or anyone who wishes to remain connected to the deceased. [1] A "grave" will be simultaneously dug and thus created, where personal belongings of the deceased will be kept inside a coffin forged most usually by the leading minister and other sanctuary staff (i.e. Appointed Ones), and/or by those who have requested or been requested to forge it. After the coffin burial, a headstone and altar-shelf will be placed on the site with an urn of ashes, commemorating forever the life of the lossed.[2]

[1] Upon entrance into the sanctuary, those who feel deeply connected to our fellowship and/or request it, will be granted an 'upon my death' form known as the "In Morte", where all who wish (known as willants) will list items they want to be buried into the ground, what they want their headstone to say and look like, what they want on their above-ground altar, who they want to forge their coffin, who they want to carry their ashes, if they will allow people to add their own things to this altar or to their coffin, among other "rules" they so wish to add. This form is then to be reviewed every year, or sooner if the willant so wishes. The sanctuary then must abide by these rules upon the willants death.

[2] The ICF sanctuary does not and will not deal in "whole" burials, meaning we will never bury bodies in a coffin. If this is an individual's request, such arrangements will need to be made outside the fellowship.

©️2019, The Interconnection Fellowship

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