Reverse Weddings

Also known in its more widely popularized term "Conscious Uncoupling", Reverse Weddings focus on the positive aspect of divorce, with the promise to remain friends, and be the best co-parents they can be (if children are involved). Huffington Post says it is the recognition "both parties deserve to leave whole and intact" and ultimately unattached, a statement Interconnectionism stands strongly by.

This process is completed in the reverse order of weddings, hence its name. It starts with the original married couple dressed in their wedding clothes standing at the alter sharing of uncoupling vows overseen typically by the ICF minister. After this they are deemed the un-bride and un-groom (if the couple is bride and groom). This is then followed by the "parting of ways" when the away from each other backwards until they ultimately turn their backs to each other. Eventually the un-bride and un-groom change back into 'civilian' clothing to mingle, feast and dance with all attendants of the Reverse Wedding.

Note on etiquette: please do NOT ask the un-wedded couple for any wedding gifts back. If the couple so wishes to return these, so be it. But it is NOT an expected part of this ceremony! Also, please note while it may seem all fun and games, a Reverse Wedding is serious business as it is often done in tandem with the signing of the divorce papers. Needless to say this may not be an easy time for either party of the un-wedded couple -- please keep that in mind when attending an Interconnectionist's Reverse Wedding.

©️2019, The Interconnection Fellowship

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