The Walk With Fire; Running With Fire


An optional outdoor ceremony where one “burns away” any of their encumbrances, whether these be burdens, wrong-doings, etc. as they walk along a path of lit tiki torches; some are red, some are white, some are black, and some are green. The black marks the entrance of the path, the green marks the end. Order of the colors: Black, red, white, green. As the “walker” makes their way along the path, the chanting will start slow and increase faster in time with the walker as they stride along.

  1. The “walk” itself: The one wishing to burn away their encumbrances will stand at the deemed entrance of the path of coals
    • Minister: “_(full name of congregant here, including chosen name)_ you are about to be absolved of your encumbrances. You will run across these heated coals to symbolically represent you are burning away these encumbrances. You are entering this path in the dark of night, a symbol of your darkest hours, but you will arrive at the end in the light of day as you may finally live light and free. Whatever you wish to relinquish as you cross, so let it be, and be then truthful. With that said…as the coals are ignited, as the torches are lit, may your encumbrances burn with the fire and burn with the flame. You may now proceed.”
    • A quiet chant ensues from those who are observing: “Burn with the fire, burn with the flame” as the “runner” begins speaking loud and clear each and every encumbrance they wish to “burn away”. The chant will start of slow, then increase faster and faster (again, the speed of the chant indicated by the different colors of torches) until the walker crosses to the end
    • At the end of the path the walker will be met by an Appointed One who will say the following: APPOINTED ONE: “_(congregant's full name here including chosen name)_ you have been have been hereby abolished of your encumbrances, thus no judgement shall be passed on to you from your fellow congegants. Now, as you stand here with your feet burning in the sand, may you always remember what you have done and may you also forgive yourself henceforth. As you watch the sun rise, enveloped by your robe, know that you are officially free of any and all encumbrances.”
  2. The walker will go sit in the chair cloaked in a purple robe on the chair watching the sun rise in silence with the rest of the attendants
  3. After the sun has risen fully, the minister will invite everyone to feast, party, celebrate, or even leave if they so wish 


This serves the same purpose as The Walk With Fire and also takes place just before the sunrise. However, instead of walking along a path of torches one is actually running over a path of heated coals.
  1. The prep: A bucket of analgesic goo sits at the end of a path of coals with a chair and a gray basic robe hung over the back, all facing towards where the sun will rise. Along a path of heated coals and lit tiki torches. Some are red, some are white, some are black, and some are green. The black marks the entrance of the path, the green marks the end. Order of the colors: Black, red, white, green
    • Note: the colors serve a purpose – as the “walker” makes their way along the path, the chanting will start slow and increase faster in time with the walker as they stride along
  2. The “run” itself: The one wishing to burn away their encumbrances will stand at the deemed entrance of the path of coals
    • Minister: “_(full name of congregant here, including chosen name)_ you are about to be absolved of your encumbrances. You will run across these heated coals to symbolically represent you are burning away these encumbrances. You are entering this path in the dark of night, a symbol of your darkest hours, but you will arrive at the end in the light of day as you may finally live light and free. Whatever you wish to relinquish as you cross, so let it be, and be then truthful. With that said…as the coals are ignited, may your encumbrances burn with the fire and burn with the flame. You may now proceed.”
    • A quiet chant ensues from those who are observing: “Burn with the fire, burn with the flame” as the “runner” crosses to the end
    • At the end of the path the walker will be met by an Appointed One who will say the following: APPOINTED ONE: “_(congregant's full name here including chosen name)_ you have been have been hereby abolished of your encumbrances, thus no judgement shall be passed on to you from your fellow congregants. Now, as you stand here with your feet burning in the sand, may you always remember what you have done and may you also forgive yourself henceforth. Go relieve yourself of this pain as you watch the sun rise, enveloped by your robe. You are officially free of any and all encumbrances.”
  3. The walker will go sit in the chair with their feet in the lidocaine/analgesic, cloaked in a purple robe on the chair watching the sun rise in silence with the rest of the attendants
  4. After the sun has risen fully, the minister will invite everyone to feast, party, celebrate, or even leave if they so wish 
©️2019, The Interconnection Fellowship

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