The 18th Birthday

This marks the time when an individual is entering adulthood as determined by Westernized standards in the following year to come. Before this moment, seventeen year-olds are offered classes known as "Adulthood Preparation Classes" which cover things such as (but not limited to) :

  • how to fill out tax forms
  • getting a job/filling out job applications 
  • filling out college applications/applying for college
  • creating five and ten-year plans, realizing these may very well have to be adjusted overtime (and learning how to be okay with that)
  • taking care of one's self/taking full responsibility for one's self 
  • gap years and how to make the most of them 
  • becoming involved in the sanctuary more completely 
  • writing a check 
  • child rearing and handling: fantasy vs. reality
This way, when one emerges into their 18th year, they as well prepared as they can be to embark on their journey into adult life. 

©️2020, The Interconnection Fellowship 

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