The 20th Birthday

The day of someone's twentieth birthday marks the sanctuary's recognition of their legal adulthood as one's teen years are officially behind them. Celebrations include songs, dances, and feasting. It is thus celebrated in similar fashion to Jewish bar and bat mitzvhas. Likewise gift-giving is a common practice on one's 20th birthday, and typically includes cash, journals and pens, house-ware items, etc. The person of the hour will also be able to partake in a shot of alcohol of their choice.

Leading up to this moment in the week prior, the one turning twenty will be instructed to read materials given to them by their minister including "The Hero's Journey", along with a list of tasks for them to complete and journal about. Meanwhile other members begin creating either a fort or a tipi, which will be used on the day of.

On the day of, the person-of-honor will wear black and/or red clothing (with a set of spare party clothes on hand). They will be adorned in flowers, wreathes, showered with gifts, and more before heading into the fort made by their peers and fellow congregants, the opening of which is covered by a cloth made of all four colors of the Interconnectionist flag. Inside the fort the person of honor will change into their spare clothes while outside around them people create music via drums, symbols, maracas, etc. chanting, "In went a child, out an adult emerges". Once the person-of-honor emerges in their new clothes they will be led to the table to feast where they partake in their first fellowship-sanctioned drink. Following the feast is the "after party" where music is played over speakers and people can dance freely.

©️2019, The Interconnection Fellowship

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