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From the desk of Praeminister Sabrina
May 1, 2023

"I have finally got a moment of lifted brain fog to write something I've been dreading to acknowledge for the last few months, now-- 

My health is failing me more and more. The surgery I had back on February 14 [2023] was supposed to fix so many things. And it has. It did. And for that I'm grateful. But it has also left me reeling even after all these months in an emotionally and physically taxing way. I fear I do not have the ability mentally, emotionally, physically, or even spiritually to do the things I was previously doing. On permanent bedrest, I find myself bored, worsened by the fact my vocal chords are still recovering from being stripped as a result of being intubated [during the surgery] and talking is still far too difficult. Which means even something as simple as recording the newest TICF podcast episode(s) I was hoping to release this month is completely out of the question. 

I think it's thus time for me to do what I feared the most--I think it's time for me to regroup, step back 100%. Yes, I am going to time to focus on bettering my mind, body and spirit by essentially going on a social black out [at least to the best of my ability]. I have no idea what this means or will mean for my congregants or my fellowship aside from leaving everyone and everything in a suspended hiatus which I am loathe to do. But I cannot give myself to anyone or anything as I have nothing left to give right now. 

My brains already starting to stopped working and I can feel it's fogginess coming in and returning. So I'm going to quit here and start my detox process. I'm so sorry to all; I feel as though I'm failing everyone, everything.... Unfortunately so too is my body is failing me. And that's just exactly why I can't post anymore for the time being. Not until I get my brain back.

Until then, 

May the stars guide you from above and all roots guide you from below 🌱💜🙏

-Praeminister Sabrina"

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