From the Desk of Praeminister Sabrina
*symbolic name

June 11, 2024

"To my fellow congregants: for those of you who are still with me and have stayed with me...thank you. Hopefully you utilized the tools to practice, harness, understand, and spread your interconnectedness! I might be your praeminister, but hopefully by now you've come to see that really, the knowledge and power was inside of you all along. I'm merely here to help get that spark ignited. But fortunately I'm back and I am far more ready than ever to lead and ignite more sparks. 

It's been a year and six months since my surgery and it took that entire time for me to finally feel like a human again. And you know what did it? Moving. Yes, that's right. All it took was a simple--and by that I mean a very stressfully tedious 8-months--move to a different city but 3 hours away to a brand new house in a stunning location to find my way back to myself, to the Universe, and ultimately back to you. 

But I'm not here to resume our normal work. No, this move brought so much clarity and insight I was completely blocked off from until now, and I've come to realize--it's time to do things COMPLETELY differently! And by that I mean it's time to get really, REALLY serious about turning this into a legit thing. I mean, yes, we have been legit(ish)--if you count occasional posts on social media and updating this website somewhat regularly 'legit'. But I don't. Not anymore. Not after I now know EXACTLY what needs to be done. It's still going to involve the podcast, implementing orations (Sunday sermons), educational courses, but it's also going to be much more than that. I even had to work out an entire timeline/schedule for it all--its great! It's intimidating! But it's also already so fulfilling and exciting. If you thought I was already taking this whole thing seriously...ten fold it, because I've got years of work to catch up on, and I've got only 15 months to implement it all in order to make the big goal, and that big goal is to officially launch. 

Yes, I'm talking about making the official move to transform our fellowship from a social media-based fellowship dealing in sermons delivered through posts. Im talking about talking taking us big time to receive as many people who need to communicate with the Universe but are at a loss to do so because they're out there and there's a lot of them; there's a lot of YOU. 

For those curious about my progress and the plans I have for our fellowship, I'll be posting/updating that info here on this page. I'll also be going into more detail here soon regarding what sort of things I envision for our fellowship because it's a lot and y'all deserve to know. 

In the meantime it's beyond time for me to go to bed! So good night and stay on the lookout for those deets. I'll be dropping them this Friday at noon.

As always, may the stars guide you from above and all roots guide you from below 🌱💜🙏

P.s. It's good to be back!!!
-Praeminister Sabrina"

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