General Update: Timeline Schedule

From the desk of Praeminister Sabrina
July 19, 2024 @ 11:48 pm

It's late. I'm tired. So I'm going to make this short and to the point: 

For the most part I'm on schedule as per my timeline, but there are a few items I still need to do:

  1. return to the Universeodon community
  2. turn encyclopedia into draft/[pre-published] book
  3. finish verity circulars
For starters, I keep forgetting about my Universeodon account because Facebook is still so convenient for me even though I loathe it. I also want to start breaking into TikTok and Instagram (loathe those too), but right now I want to try to remember about Universeodon. I'll link that here -- Universeodon @interconnectionfellowship

As for the Encyclopedia and the Verity Circulars...those projects have been proving far more difficult for me than I initially anticipated. Well, I had a feeling they might be hence the rather far off deadlines for the official launch, but with my energy levels being depleted again due to having to juggle between the ongoing moving in process and just other stuff that gets in my way...not to mention there's a lot going into these projects and this entire project as a whole. 

Even so, I'm going to try to adhere to my schedule as much as I possibly can and even though some things aren't finished yet, that's okay; I'm just going to move forward as planned and eventually circle back. 

Until then, I'm going to get a good night's sleep and refocus in the morning. 
Good night all; may the stars guide you from above and the roots guide you from below 🌱🙏💜

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