Start Up Strategy

From the desk of Praeminister Sabrina
July 3, 2024 @ 11:09am

Yesterday I sat down and had myself a "contemplatus day" (a day of contemplation & reflection) in regards to everything I've been learning in the last month [and a few days] for how to get TICF off the ground in a far more official capacity, how to move forward with Interconnectionism as a whole, and how I want to lead a congregation. I've been logging everything I've been learning, and not only detailing how I think it will prove useful to me moving forward but also how I want to use the information to move forward. I've also been reflecting on what I've accomplished this far, what've got left to focus on, and prioritizing what I want to focus on of those tasks vs. what I should be focusing on. And I want to share some of these milestones with all of you: 

🌟 Studied how to [be a] minister
🌟 Studied how to start, run, & minister my own fellowship [of an entirely new religion]
🌟 Created a timeline, a strategic plan, and have been sticking to it!! ⬅ this is the biggest one that I'm super proud of. And not only that, I've been staying ahead of schedule!!
🌟 Been actively logging (in my journal, calendar, and on this blog) what I've been learning and accomplishing
🌟 Worked on "The Codex", the "Encyclopedia of Interconnectionism", and the "religious" texts & aspects of the fellowship
🌟 Typed up and am now posting to this blog the start-up strategy & timeline (before the set date of July 5th! Go me 😄👏)

Things left to focus on:
🌟 Turn the "Encyclopedia of Interconnectionism" into a pre-published draft/book to edit and use to write the "Verity Circulars" as well as the other "religious" components of the fellowship (i.e. holidays & celebrations)
🌟 Continue working on the "Verity Circulars" ⬅ this is the biggest thing at the forefront of my focus right now; everything else is currently falling second, third, and even fourth place (at least for this week and part into next week)


The Interconnection Fellowship

©2018 by Praeminister Sabrina



I have been called to bring Interconnectionism to the world and awaken people to the importance of our interconnectedness and Omnia’s role in our lives (mission), via the creation of Interconnectionism, a religion housed within The Interconnection Fellowship—a.k.a. “TICF”, and the affiliated [future] branches of the latter (purpose), through we will become a thriving fellowship with multiple different communities around the world, meeting up in-person and/or online (vision). 

Core Values

The TICF and Interconnectionism stand on the foundation of “The [Written] Code of Ethics” This is the code upon which we have built our fellowship, and as a result all Interconnectionists are guided and bound together through and by this code, which is made up of “the undeniable truth”, the 9 virtues, and the 18 mores. 

  • The undeniable truth: The universe exists and because it exists, we are all interconnected

  • The 9 Virtues: Independence, knowledge, tolerance, generosity, loyalty, integrity, mindfulness, kindness, and respect

  • The 18 Mores

1. I will live with an open and caring heart and mind

2. I will appreciate all that is around me and all that I am interconnected to

3. I will live not only mindfully but conscientiously

4. I will examine and observe my own mental and emotional behaviors and determine if I am acting in my own best interests as well as in the best interests of others

5. I will utilize the art of introspection to ensure I am acting in accordance to my own moral code

6. I will recognize the worth and dignity of every form of life and honor all differences

7. I will respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part

8. I will value the sacred circle of life

9. I will live in harmony with the rhythms of nature

10. I will act so as to promote human, animal and planetary well-being

11. I will serve the environment, the Universe, and all living things as they serve me

12. I will maintain an environment that is physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually safe for myself and others

13. I will respect my own boundaries as well as those around

14. I will actively reach out to make amends when I have wronged another and do everything in my capability to make it right

15. I will speak with care and communicate clearly, accurately and honestly to the best of my ability

16. I will not manipulate, lie to, or deceive others

17. I will not preach to others unless they request this of me

18. I will listen appreciatively with respect and courtesy to the communications of others

Strategic Aim

Our strategic aim is to effectively and legitimately start an entirely brand new religion to currently serve in the digital age, but that will also be able to serve others in person. Our launch date/goal is to go live and official with TICF on the last Sunday of September 2025, with monthly sermons starting 7 months beforehand on the first Sunday of February 2025. This way we can slowly begin introducing the fellowship and gain traction as well as a following, with a goal of obtaining at least 20-50 interested if not devoted followers during that 7-month period who will then be carried over into our fellowship’s official launch from there on in. 


  1. Preparation: 

    1. Goal 1: Continue working/building the main website

      1. Task 1: Continue writing and editing ceremonies, rites, rituals, and holidays

      2. Task 2: Continue writing and editing the religious texts/digital pamphlets

      3. Task 3: Continue writing, editing, and filling out missing pieces on the main website

    2. Goal 2: Get the word out about TICF 

      1. Task 1: Go to Reddit, FB, YouTube, TikTok…any online and/or social media platform that will help gain and garner traction to our fellowship

      2. Task 2: Write a Wikipedia page on Interconnectionism

      3. Task 3: Write a Wikipedia page on TICF

      4. Task 4: Network with other people online and/or in-person

  2. Pre-launch: 

    1. Goal 1: Start finalizing the website

      1. Task 1: Ensure all aspects of the website are error free

      2. Task 2: Fill out any missing pieces of the website or make a note on the page that certain aspects are still under construction 

      3. Task 3: Ensure all links are functioning properly

    2. Goal 2: Get the podcast underway => NOTE: the Universally Unified podcast will also currently serve as the oration podcast for the entire fellowship

      1. Task 1: Continue planning & writing podcast episodes 

      2. Task 2: Start recording podcast episodes (these will be released on a monthly basis starting February 2, 2025 until the official launch date

      3. Task 3: Release episode zero of podcast episode (Feb.2)

      4. Task 4: Start preparing for weekly podcast episode releases (starting September 28, 2025-indefinitely)

    3. Goal 3: Gain traction!

      1. Task 1: Start getting people hyped up about the big-launch via the podcast and all other social media sites

      2. Task 2: Release promotional materials

  3. Launch: 

    1. Goal 1: Website is 100% completed

      1. Task 1:  Double check website one final time

      2. Task 2: Do a beta launch 1 month before the big launch for at least 1 week

      3. Task 3: Publish officially (on midnight of the big launch) and take down all “Under Construction” notices

    2. Goal 2: Host a launch party (in-person and/or digitally!)

      1. Task 1: prepare/set up a party in the park

      2. Task 2: prepare/set up a countdown online party

    3. Goal 3: Switch to weekly episode releases

      1. Task 1: ensure there are pre-recorded podcast episodes

      2. Task 2: plan and prepare scripts for future episodes

  4. Post-launch: 

    1. Goal 1: Continue releasing podcast episodes

      1. Task 1: see 3.3.i-ii.

      2. Task 2: eventually make the switch to more traditional orations (study for how to do this) => consider using a sermon/oration template

    2. Goal 2: Continue to build a following

      1. Task 1: continue to use social media & stay on platforms

      2. Task 2: find new platforms to expand to

      3. Task 3: create video shorts

    3. Goal 3: Continue to build the fellowship 

      1. Task 1: fundraising!

      2. Task 2: community outreach & positive impacts

      3. Task 3: Work to create a leadership/fulfill positions in the ascensionem ladder

    4. Goal 4: Cultivate and empower the current congregation

      1. Task 1: Create & collect communication cards (if not done so already)

      2. Task 2: Stay up to date with all current followers

      3. Task 3: Constantly & consistently open the floor toa discussion regarding what’s best for current & future congregants v. the fellowship as a whole

      4. Task 4: NETWORK!

    5. Goal 5: Build future sanctuaries (digital and in-person) 

      1. Task 1: Continue to build a congregation and a following 

      2. Task 2: Focus on creating website “branches” connected to the original/main TICF website

      3. Task 3: Fundraising needed to obtain an actual in-person building!

Timeline (abridged version. See the “complete/comprehensive timeline” for finely tuned details in calendar form)

PREP STAGE: 2024-5

  • June: the learning and accumulating stage. Study how to…

    • [be a] minister

    • start a religion 

    • run a fellowship and a congregation 

    • launch TICF

  • July - August: The writing, working, & building stage. Continue…

    • building TICF website

    • writing TICF info

    • writing the religious texts

    • brainstorming & writing the rites, rituals, holidays, ceremonies, and other Interconnectionist aspects of TICF

  • September - 1st half of October:  

    • Begin working on the Wikipedia pages (for TICF and Interconnectionism) 

    • Begin working on and/or writing news articles

    • An Inceterconnectionist community will [continue to] be cultivated

    • Introductory TICF/Interconnectionism slideshow(s)/video(s) will be finalized & posted

  • 2nd half of October - early November:

    • Reflections of progress

    • Milestone “celebrations” 

    • Podcast scripts and podcast organization will come into focus

    • Recording & release of 1st holiday celebration (Rootward Day)

  • November (continued)

    • Podcast will start to take its full shape

    • Dry run recordings of podcast will take place 

    • 2nd holiday video recording & release (Thrinontas Day/“grieving day”/thanksgiving)

    • Preparation for 3rd upcoming holiday video

    • Getting ready to plug Podcast Episode Zero (release date NOT until January)

    • More milestone “celebrations”

  • December

    • Podcast episode zero is in final days of pre. 

    • Podcast as a whole is in final stages

    • More podcast episode scripts are underway

    • 3rd holiday video is recorded & released (Bruma)

    • More milestone “celebrations”/check-ins

    • Episode Zero is plugged (in milestone celebrations & Bruma video)

  • January (2025)

    • Podcast episode zero is released!

    • Episode 1 is underfoot/on deck

    • More milestone “celebrations”

    • More cultivation of “Intercon.” community 

    • Preparations are made for entering into the next launch stage

    • Website building & editing continues


  • February

    • Podcast episode 1 is released

    • Podcast episode 2 is on deck/underfoot

    • Community cultivate (online) 

    • More milestone “celebrations”

  • March - early April

    • Podcast episodes 2 & 3 are at the forefront/focus

    • Q&A video scripts are [getting] written & rehearsed 

    • Website details are getting finalized

  • April (continued) - early May

    • Website editing & building continues

    • Podcast episode 4 is released

    • Q&A vids. are still underfoot

    • Episode 5 (podcast) is at the forefront of the focus

    • More milestone “celebrations”

  • May (continued)

    • TICF classrooms start to come into focus

    • Podcast episode 5 is on deck/finalized and ready for release

    • 1st Q&A video is released

    • More milestone “celebrations”

  • June - early July

    • Episode 5 is released & ep. 6 is on deck

    • Classroom building continues

    • “Launch Day” prep starts to come into focus

    • Promotional materials for “Launch Day” start to solidify

    • Volunteer cultivation begins for parties interested in helping with the fellowship’s Launch Day + solidifying other aspects of the fellowship (i.e. beta testing the website, editing documents, brainstorming, etc.)

  • July (continued) - early August

    • Website building continues

    • Volunteer cultivation continues

    • “Post Launch” plans start to come into focus

    • Episode 6 is released & 7 is underway

    • 2nd Q&A video is released

  • August (continued)

    • Episode 7 is released & ep. 8 is underway/on deck 

    • Website finalization is at the forefront of all focus

    • Podcast episodes post release date are organized and finalized

    • “Launch Day”/plans = in final stages of coming together

    • First official string of orations are underway


  • Early September:

    • Q&A video #3 is released

    • Fall holiday special is released

    • Podcast ep. 8 release

    • Official launch podcast episode is underfoot

    • First official string of orations are finalized

  • Mid-September

    • Fall holiday vid. special is released

    • “Launch Day” hype revs up

    • (One more Q&A video? - TBD) 

    • Milestone “celebrations” 

  • Late September

    • OFFICIAL LAUNCH DAY! (09/28)

POST LAUNCH STAGE: 2025 - indefinite future

  • September (continued) - early October:

    • Weekly Sunday orations (sermons) start/continue 

    • 1st official podcast episode launch 

  • October (continued) - March (2026)

    • Orations continue

    • Community check-ins

    • More podcast episode releases

    • More Q&A videos (if questions arise from the community) 

    • Contemplatus/milestone “celebration” videos (only released on occasion)

  • April (2026) - indefinite future

    • Release weekly Sunday Orations

    • Continue to use social media apps

    • Stay active on social media platforms now more than ever

↪ first 6 months post launch: post Su, M, W, F, Sa 

↪ starting April 1, 2026, switch to posting [on social media] Sundays, Mondays, & Saturdays

  • Reach out after each Sunday Oration via a live stream and/or in some other fashion (TBD

  • Every Monday & Friday, go over all communication cards collected on Sunday Orations (how to distribute & collect these cards = TBD)

  • Push membership

  • Push amalgamation 

  • Push ascencionem 

  • Push volunteerism inside (and outside) the fellowship 

  • Create/brainstorm with the congregation for activities to do online and in-person regarding Positive Impacts, TICF fundraisers, retreats, etc.

  • Work with congregation to create a TICF community calendar

  • Continue to post occasional Q&A videos (when needed from the community)

  • Continue to post occasional "contemplatus"/milestone videos

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