UPDATE: Where are we going from here?

From the Desk of Praeminister Sabrina
June 14, 2024

"To my fellow congregants: I wanted to let you all know what type of work we're in the process of accomplishing now that my body and life are finally stabilizing. 

For starters, even though we are an official fellowship with a semi-established digital presence, our fellowship is still very much in the 'early draft' stages and has been admittedly stuck there as a result of my health issues. This means we're essentially a small community of like-minded people who cannot and are not seeing the true potential of our fellowship. Yet. I cannot emphasize just how big that YET is because we now have plans to officially launch, to officially become not just a scattered community but an actual fellowship and from there hopefully become a legally recognized religion. 

HOWEVER! There is a lot of work to do before we can even begin thinking about taking us there.

Our top priority right now is to finalize the most important aspects of Interconnectionist lore. While The Codex is an ever-evolving doctrine, there are critical and vital pieces of important information that was left either unfinished at best, and at worst never implemented and only perhaps discussed in theory. That's why our first tasks on our to-do list involving writing, editing, working, and completing the following items first and foremost:

  1. The Verity Circulars. => These have been a highly discussed topic and yet none of the circulars were ever brought to completion
  2. Rites, Rituals, and Ceremonies
  3. Interconnectionist Holidays. => we'll also be adding in some already written holiday [Interconnectionist] lore that was drafted but never finalized
The next aspects on our to-do list once the above are completed will be to move on to community building:
  1. Creating and generating a Reddit community
  2. News articles
  3. Finalizing and releasing our Universally Unified podcast (a.k.a. "Unicast")
  4. The filming and recording of our "Intro to Interconnectionism" video
  5. Creating a community through "Team Flip" (soon to be "Teams for Education" come September) => this, along with YouTube, is where additional videos for the fellowship will be posted. I.e. Holiday specials, behind the scenes looks into our Unicast, filmed orations (sermons), and more.
Target dates: 
We have created an entire schedule starting from June 1st (last week) until the day of our target launch date. 

Below are but a few of the items we're already in the process of meeting and achieving, with the target dates we planned for these items and the status regarding whether we're still in the process of achieving, have already completed it, or have not yet started. We're pleased to say that for some of these items, we're actually ahead of our already determined schedule: 
  • Info gathering regarding launching officially: June 1-25. Status: COMPLETED.
  • Doctrine studying: June 1-25. Status: COMPLETED.
  • Use Reddit and digital/social communities to obtain information, network, and brainstorm: June 9-15. Status: COMPLETED. => this will be an ongoing process; however. But the ground work has already been accomplished
  • Brainstorming: June 26-30. Status: IN PROGRESS.
  • Focus on writing/finishing the Verity Circulars: July 1-19. STATUS: IN PROGRESS.
The following dates are the most prominent future target dates we want to broadcast:
  • January 8, 2025: re-release "Episode Zero" a.k.a. the trailer for Universally Unified
  • February 5, 2025: pre-launch TICF; release 1st official episode of Universally Unified
  • September 28, 2025: official launch day
For all interested parties, our fellowship's official launch calendar will eventually be released via a shared link along with our strategy plan. In the meantime; however, it's almost noon and I am in the moving-in process still of my new home (we haven't reached our 3rd week of our move in date!) and there's a lot of work to do today in addition to the to-do list I have mapped out for working on our fellowship. 

I'll see you all in the next update! 
Until then, may the stars guide you from above and the roots guide you from below 🌱💜🙏

-Praeminister Sabrina."

Ps.: For those who may have noticed, I have stopped using the name Iris Sagelani and have taken to using the name Sabrina. This is because Iris Sagelani was chosen essentially at random thanks in part to a name generator after I began [in hindsight] overly "exploiting" my initially chosen amalgamated name [Sabrina]. I have since reclaimed Sabrina as my symbolic name, and will not be using it from here on in. 

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