UPDATE: June 19 (2024)

From the desk of Praeminister Sabrina
8:45 pm. 

"Before I dive into the latest update of our fellowship let me start off by saying 'Happy Juneteenth!' It's been a long and tedious road for our friends of color—a road that's been rife with turmoil, devastation, murder, injustice, exploitation, and so many other horrid things. But it's also a road filled with pride, family, connection, and honor. 

For those who may somehow be unaware of the importance of this holiday, it's a commemoration and celebration of the day in 1865 when "250,000 slaves in the state of Texas, which became the last bastion for slavery during the final days of the Civil War, were declared free by the U.S. Army" (Cimitile, 2024). However, it wasn't until 2021 that it was finally legally declared a holiday by President Biden.

But make no mistake—just because June is considered Black History Month, and just because Juneteenth has finally earned its rightful places on our calendars, doesn't mean the fight is over. If anything it's been revving up. We might not have overt slavery the way the south used to, but the slavery is still there in disguise (the movie 13th anyone? Watch it on Netflix if you don't believe me). We still have police brutality and blacks being murdered and disappearing at rates that shouldn't even exist at all.

Forgive me here as I could go on about the importance of Black History Month, Juneteenth, injustice, and more but then I'd never leave and this is most definitely a subject worthy of a podcast episode when I can really dedicate my time and passion on the subject and give it the time it so deserves. 

So before I turn this into a multi-paged essay, I will [regrettably] stop myself here and switch subjects to dispel my final thoughts for the night as I cannot stay awake much longer and have a very long to do list before bed-- 

I am in the process of finalizing the Encyclopedia of Interconnectionism. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I have indeed taken it upon myself in the last 2 or so years to create an entire encyclopedia for TICF and Interconnectionism [combined]. The reason for its existence is to pave the way for consistency within the fellowship's documents, doctrines, bylaws, and more. Its existence is helping me continue working on the Verity Circulars I've been struggling with due to their extensive nature and is helping me focus on what matters most in each circular to avoid bogging them down with too many details or veering off topic. 

Anyhow, that's what I've been working on since my last update. 

And on that note, I am retiring for the night, though I will leave you with this rather interesting quote I just came upon in the last hour: 

"A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserve of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge." -Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot. 

As soon as I read this quote I realized--I think Interconnectionism may have very well just manifested Mr. Sagan's "prophecy". At least, it's certainly what it strives to do. What are your thoughts on the matter? And can you think of any other religions that do exactly what Sagan has hoped for? 

Just something to contemplate on for the duration of your night (or day). In the meanwhile, may the stars guide you from above and all roots guide you from below 🌱💜🙏

-Praeminister Sabrina."

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